"Let our experience help you"


Let Our Experience Help You

management and governance issues

High functioning boards are essential to the success of an organization. Strong relationships between the board and the staff, management and staff assessments, and succession planning are equally important elements of any high functioning nonprofit. Bryan & Jordan will assist you in all of these areas with a customizable approach that melds with the culture of your organization.

capital campaign and fundraising STRATEGies

Success for your campaign will come by a careful evaluation of your stakeholders and their perceptions of the organization; by working closely with the campaign leadership on campaign structure, strategy, and management; and by carefully targeting potential donors who have a proven interest in your mission, the sophistication to understand the importance of campaign funding, and with the decisiveness and means to make a substantial gift. Bryan & Jordan can help develop and implement strategies that will get the most effective appeal in front of prospects as quickly as possible. 

strategic issues

Strategic planning is especially critical for nonprofit organizations that are stewards of the public’s trust. A good plan, and its preparation process, will bring clarity and agreement on mission and vision and help organizations prepare for the future. Bryan & Jordan will help your organization anticipate and manage change, improve the decision-making processes, promote effective stewardship, align the board and staff, provide an opportunity to recommit to the cause, educate participants about institutional history, identify existing strengths in the organization, and reinforce the need to commit to continuous improvement.

scholarship and interpretation

Bryan & Jordan has the real world experience to provide guidance for your organization to address controversial issues and topics, and to prepare educational and scholarly programs (including teacher seminars), exhibitions, and publications.

executive search

Successful searches, like successful organizations, are not built on databases; they are built on relationships. Throughout our careers, we have developed enduring professional relationships that are especially beneficial in executive searches, and bring candidates we have cultivated both from professional affiliations and from past searches. Bryan & Jordan Consulting has an impressive track record for on-time, on-budget, and successful searches.

Reserve fund studies

Preparation of a plan for funding current and planned infrastructure needs will enable your organization’s leadership to prioritize its mission and strategic goals, confident that it can meet its predictable infrastructure expenses without threatening its programmatic and daily operations.